Web development Launching

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web development needs attention to know it. You’ve probably heard that coding is becoming an essential skill for everyone. While it’s true that anyone can code nowadays, having good skills in the language of choice helps boost your career prospects. In this article, we take a look at 8 things you should know before launching into learning web development.

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It might seem like an obvious point but there are many people who think they need to be a coder to learn how to program. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Programming languages and frameworks have been developed with beginners in mind so even if you haven’t had any formal education or training in computer science or programming, you shouldn’t struggle too much, particularly now when online courses and free tutorials abound. There is no shortage of resources available on the internet these days and some of them offer fantastic opportunities to get started. So long as you approach learning with an open-minded attitude and ask questions along the way, you’ll soon pick up new tricks and techniques.

Start simple

If you’re just starting out, it makes sense to start by building small projects. Building a website or creating a basic app can help you build confidence and familiarity with the tools that will come later on. You can also use websites such as Codecademy and Code School to teach yourself JavaScript or Python. When choosing what project to work on, think about which language would create the best value for money. If you decide to go down the route of learning C++ then you may want to consider using Visual Studio Code instead of Sublime Text Editor.

Learn the basics first

Once you have a feel for how web development works, you can move onto more complex projects. Learning HTML5 and CSS3 will allow you to achieve results more quickly, without worrying about compatibility issues. For example, you could develop a site using HTML5 Boilerplate, a popular front end framework used across sites all over the world. Alternatively, if you want to play around with something more powerful, you could learn React JS, AngularJS or Vuejs. By adding in some server side scripting (such as PHP), you can begin producing dynamic pages that interact with data held in databases.

Build a portfolio

There’s nothing worse than making a mistake during a job interview and then finding out that you’ve lost your chance to secure a position. Having a portfolio of completed projects gives potential employers a clear idea of how well you can work independently and how you manage deadlines. A word of caution though – do not make your entire portfolio public. Instead, create a separate folder for each project where only you can see its contents. You can share links to the files in an email to interested parties.

Understand the fundamentals

After completing several projects and gaining experience, you’ll need to understand the core concepts behind web development. It’s important to grasp how browsers interpret HTML and CSS, how JavaScript interacts with other components, and how responsive design affects the overall user experience. After reading a few articles covering these topics, you’ll gain enough knowledge to be able to tackle more advanced material on your own.

Use online communities

The web has brought together thousands of developers from every corner of the globe. As a result, you should never be short of advice when looking to solve coding problems. Online forums provide one of the most effective ways of meeting fellow coders and asking questions.

Get hands-on!

Learning by doing is often far better than simply watching someone else code. Take the time to set up your own personal workspace and try to replicate the steps being demonstrated. This will ensure that you’re working through similar situations and learning at the same pace as others. You can access lots of practical examples for free from online repositories including GitHub.


Web development is a creative career field that allows you to explore new ideas and express yourself. With so many different platforms available to choose from, there are bound to be opportunities for you to get involved. Try to keep yourself motivated by taking part in competitions or joining discussions online. The more you know, the easier it will become to find your next role.


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